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ISC Class 12 Biology: Origin Of Life

The Origin of Life incorporates most recent exploration, surveys, major theories and few analyses which are proposed to clarify the cause of life on the planet earth.


  • course Recorded Lessons: 6
  • course Recorded Hours: 1
  • course Duration: 1 day (Avg)


  • course Access on mobile
  • course TDP Assessment Test
Course Description

ISC Class 12 Biology Online Course to learn Origin of Earth

The earth was secured with water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide and ammonia.The Oparin-Haldane hypothesis recommends that life emerged steadily from inorganic atoms, with "building squares" like amino acids framing first and afterward joining to make complex polymers.


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What you'll learn

  • Oparin Haldane Theory
  • Theory Of Biogenesis


  • Class 12 Student
Course Content
6 Lessons | 1:00 Total hours
Origin Of Life
About the instructor
Leena S


4.5 Instructor Rating

9 Courses


18 Students enrolled

I Am a Trained Teacher having more than 10 years of experience in Biology subject also I deal with school operation and Management. I have done masters In Biotechnology.