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Information Technology (IT) (Science) 12th Standard

Information technology (IT) is the utilization of PCs to make, process, store, recover, and trade a wide range of electronic data[1] and data. IT is normally involved inside the setting of business tasks rather than individual or amusement technologies.[2] IT is viewed as a subset of data and correspondences innovation (ICT). A data innovation framework (IT framework) is by and large a data framework, a correspondences framework, or, all the more explicitly talking, a PC framework - including all equipment, programming, and fringe hardware - worked by a restricted gathering of IT clients.


  • course Recorded Lessons: 12
  • course Recorded Hours: 5
  • course Duration: 5 days (Avg)


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  • course TDP Assessment Test
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Course Description

Online course for 12th standard Information technology science students

Information Technology has extraordinary impact on all parts of life. Nearly all work places and residing conditions are being mechanized and the utilization of Information Technology is being upgraded.

Meaning of Information Technology :

"IT (Information Technology) incorporates each of the innovations that we use to make, gather, process, safeguard and store data. It alludes to equipment, programming (PC programs), furthermore PC organizations". ICT (Information and Communication Innovation) idea includes move also utilization of a wide range of data. ICT is the reinforcement of economy and a main thrust of social changes in the 21st century. Distance is at this point not an issue with regards to getting to data; for instance, telecommute, distance learning, e-banking, and e-administration are currently conceivable from any spot with a web association and a registering gadget. Allows first to see two significant ideas - Data and Information :

Information technology (IT) is the utilization of PCs to make, process, store, recover, and trade a wide range of electronic data

[1] and data. IT is commonly involved inside the setting of business tasks instead of individual or diversion technologies.

[2] IT is viewed as a subset of data and interchanges innovation (ICT). A data innovation framework (IT framework) is for the most part a data framework, an interchanges framework, or, all the more explicitly talking, a PC framework - including all equipment, programming, and fringe gear - worked by a restricted gathering of IT clients.People have been putting away, recovering, controlling, and conveying data since the Sumerians in Mesopotamia created writing in around 3000 BC.

[3] However, the term data innovation in its cutting edge sense previously showed up in a 1958 article distributed in the Harvard Business Review; writers Harold J. Leavitt and Thomas L. Whisler remarked that "the new innovation doesn't yet have a solitary laid out name. We will call it data innovation (IT)." Their definition comprises of three classifications: procedures for handling, the utilization of measurable and numerical techniques to independent direction, and the reproduction of higher-request thoroughly considering PC programs.

[4] The term is regularly utilized as an equivalent for PCs and PC organizations, however it likewise incorporates other data dissemination advancements like TV and phones. A few items or administrations inside an economy are related with data innovation, including PC equipment, programming, gadgets, semiconductors, web, telecom gear, and e-commerce.

[5][a] In light of the capacity and handling advances utilized, it is feasible to recognize four unmistakable periods of IT improvement: pre-mechanical (3000 BC - 1450 AD), mechanical (1450-1840), electromechanical (1840-1940), and electronic (1940 to present).[3] This article centers around the latest time frame (electronic).

What you'll learn

  • Basic understanding of webpage development
  • Advanced knowledge of Information Technology


  • 10th Passout
Course Content
12 Lessons | 5:00 Total hours
About the instructor


4.5 Instructor Rating

1 Courses