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Learn Sanskrit In 8 Days Level- 2

Learn Sanskrit with fun. Have Sanskrit song, storytelling in Sanskrit, Games in Sanskrit, quiz as well. Learn with joy

Divya Vidya


What you will learn?

  • You will be able to comprehend 50% of whatever sloka you read. It can help you improve your grades in the eighth, ninth, and tenth grades.

This Course Includes

  • Recorded Lessons:  17
  • Recorded Hours:  8
  • Duration:   8 days (Avg)
  • TD Assessment Available
  • Access on Mobile

Course Description

आचार्यात् पादमादत्ते पादं शिष्यः स्वमेधया ।

पादं सब्रह्मचारिभ्यः पादं कालक्रमेण च ॥

उज्ज्वलव्याख्या, आपस्तम्ब-धर्मसूत्रम्

A student learns a quarter from the teacher, a quarter from own intelligence (through the process), a quarter from fellow students (through the environment) and the rest in course of time (when he starts teaching and internalizing) 

Sanskrit is a language that belongs to the Indo-Aryan group and is the root of many, but not all Indian languages. ... It's one of the official languages in only one Indian state, Uttarakhand in the north, which is dotted with historical Hindu temple towns.

One of the reasons for Sanskrit being limited to a small circle of people was the narrow outlook of pandits. They never allowed the language to reach the common people. Since ancient times, Sanskrit has been an important language in India. Languages never belong to a particular religion.

It is the official language of the Union of India. Although Sanskrit is the mother of many Indian languages including Hindi and there are many similarities between Sanskrit and Hindi as regards scripts, words, and pronunciation, a number of dissimilarities and differences to do exist between the two.

Sanskrit Language:

Sanskrit is an Indo-European language belonging to the Indo-Aryan subfamily. This ancient language has developed through different stages. The earliest recognized phase of the Sanskrit language is called Vedic Sanskrit, dating back to 1700 BC. This stage is known as the Vedic Sanskrit stage because the most ancient scriptures of Hinduism, the Vedas were written in this language. The oldest known text in Sanskrit is the Rigveda which was composed during the 2nd millennium BC  and contains over a thousand Hindu hymns.

Efforts are also being made to revive Sanskrit as an everyday spoken language. An Indian village of Mattur near Shimoga in Karnataka is adopting Sanskrit as an everyday language. Indian constitution has also recognized Sanskrit as one of the official languages of the country because of its association with the religion and literature of India. Sanskrit is not only rich in literature but also has a rich and vast vocabulary.

Course Content

17 Lessons | 8hr

Frequently Asked Questions

Level-2 will cover advanced grammar topics, including complex sentence structures, more vocabulary, and practical applications of Sanskrit in conversation. Additionally, students will explore Sanskrit literature and texts.

The course is structured to be completed in 8 days, with daily sessions lasting approximately 1-2 hours. This includes instruction, practice, and review activities.

Yes, participants will receive digital resources, including study guides, vocabulary lists, and access to recorded lectures for review. Additional reading materials will also be recommended.

By the end of Level-2, students will have a stronger grasp of Sanskrit grammar and vocabulary, enabling them to understand and construct more complex sentences and engage in basic conversations in Sanskrit.

The course is structured over 8 days, with each day focusing on specific topics. It includes video lectures, reading materials and assignments to reinforce learning.
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