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Learn Sanskrit In 8 Days Level-1

Learn Sanskrit with fun. Have Sanskrit song, storytelling in Sanskrit, Games in Sanskrit, quiz as well.

Divya Vidya


What you will learn?

  • You will become more knowledgeable and you will be protector of our Ancient Knowledge.

This Course Includes

  • Recorded Lessons:  17
  • Recorded Hours:  9
  • Duration:   9 days (Avg)
  • TD Assessment Available
  • Access on Mobile

Course Description

आचार्यात् पादमादत्ते पादं शिष्यः स्वमेधया ।

पादं सब्रह्मचारिभ्यः पादं कालक्रमेण च ॥

उज्ज्वलव्याख्या, आपस्तम्ब-धर्मसूत्रम्

A student learns a quarter from the teacher, a quarter from own intelligence (through the process), a quarter from fellow students (through the environment) and the rest in course of time (when he starts teaching and internalizing) 

Sanskrit is a language that belongs to the Indo-Aryan group and is the root of many, but not all Indian languages. It's one of the official languages in only one Indian state, Uttarakhand in the north, which is dotted with historical Hindu temple towns.

One of the reasons for Sanskrit being limited to a small circle of people was the narrow outlook of pandits. They never allowed the language to reach the common people. Since ancient times, Sanskrit has been an important language in India. Languages never belong to a particular religion.

It is the official language of the Union of India. Although Sanskrit is the mother of many Indian languages including Hindi and there are many similarities between Sanskrit and Hindi as regards scripts, words, and pronunciation, a number of dissimilarities and differences to do exist between the two.

Sanskrit is actually not very difficult to learn, though the general understanding is that it is a difficult language. It is a very phonetic, inflected, scientific language and if you learn the basic grammar and follow the rules of the language, you can learn it easily.

Classical Sanskrit has its origin at the end of the Vedic period when the Upanishads were the last sacred texts to be written down, after which Panini, a descendant of Pani and grammar and linguistic researcher, introduced the refined version of the language

Known as 'the mother of all languages,' Sanskrit is the dominant classical language of the Indian subcontinent and one of the 22 official languages of India. It is also the liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

If you are from European countries then Yes, French is much easier to learn than Sanskrit, because Sanskrit has a lot of complex grammatical rules which will take years to master. And trust me, Sanskrit's grammar is one of the most complicated grammars existing in any language.

Course Content

17 Lessons | 8hr 10min

Frequently Asked Questions

The course is designed to be completed in 8 days, with daily lessons that cover essential aspects of Sanskrit.

Yes, this course is specifically tailored for beginners with no prior knowledge of Sanskrit. It introduces the basics of the language step-by-step.

The course will cover basic Sanskrit vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, sentence structure, and essential phrases to help you start communicating in Sanskrit.

No prior knowledge of languages is required. This course is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their linguistic background.

Each day's lesson includes video tutorials, written materials, and exercises. You'll have the opportunity to practice speaking and writing Sanskrit.
Course Preview
8hr 10min