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Learn to Code CSS Course from scratch: Beginner to Expert

Learn to code CSS, The first step to Style Coding you need to learn to succeed in Website beautification development, it is easy to learn and understand our online CSS Training course, It is designed for you with the complete steps to require learn Basic topics by Mr. Sudha Sekhar [MCP - Microsoft Certified Professional] will explain to you even complex topics to simplify and teach you even beginners can easily understand with real-time examples.

Sekhar Metla


Included with Web Development & UI/UX

What you will learn?

  • Learn why CSS is amazing, and something to be special of!
  • Build beautiful websites which don't just contain great content but also look great.
  • Use basic as well as advanced CSS features to apply HTML tags.
  • Understand the concepts and theory behind CSS and certain CSS features.
  • Build fully-fledged websites and web apps design for your startup or business.
  • Craft a portfolio of websites CSS design to apply for junior developer jobs.
  • Learn professional CSS concepts of developer best practices.

This Course Includes

  • Recorded Lessons:  68
  • Recorded Hours:  7
  • Duration:   7 days (Avg)
  • TD Assessment Available
  • 4 Jobs Available
  • Access on Mobile

Course Description

The first step to Style Coding you need to learn to succeed in Website beautification development, it is easy to learn and understand our online CSS Training course, It is designed for you with the complete steps to require learn Basic topics by Mr. Sudha Sekhar [MCP - Microsoft Certified Professional] will explain to you even complex topics to simplify and teach you even beginners can easily understand with real-time examples.

This course covers all standards -

We start at the very basics (What is CSS? How does it work? How do you apply it)? and gradually dive in deeper and deeper. And we do this by showing both practical coding examples as well as the theory behind them.

Getting started with CSS might look easy but there actually is a lot of depth to CSS -

Hence this course provides different "Levels" or "Entry points" to exactly meet your demands and reflect your current knowledge level:

The Basics Level:

Start from scratch, learn CSS from the ground up. You start with lecture 1 and simply follow through to the end step by step.

The Intermediate Level:

You already know the CSS basics, you know what inline, internal, and external CSS is and how it works but you want to dive in deeper and learn some intermediate features and usages.

The Advanced Level:

You got the intermediate knowledge, too, but you want to dive into things like Layout, CSS Animation, CSS responsive pages to apply a single CSS page would be applicable in multiple devices like mobile, t.v, computer, and large screens.

The Expert Level:

You got the advanced knowledge, too, but you want to dive into things like Multiple columns, CSS about UI / UX design, CSS Pagination. This Level is for you.

Of course, this course offers the theory and practical real-world examples -

We'll build an entire real course project throughout the course - but there is also a coding exercise challenge for you to practice individual concepts taught throughout the course.

Course Content

68 Lessons | 6hr 26min

Frequently Asked Questions

This course is designed for absolute beginners who have little to no experience with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and want to learn it from scratch. It is also suitable for those with some basic knowledge who want to enhance their skills and become proficient in CSS.

Throughout the course, you will learn the fundamentals of CSS, including selectors, properties, values, layout techniques, responsive design, and more. You will also delve into advanced topics such as CSS animations, transitions, and preprocessors like SASS.

This course is self-paced, allowing you to learn at your own convenience and progress through the material at your own speed. However, you will have access to support from instructors and fellow students through discussion forums and Q&A sessions.

The course is designed to be completed in approximately 4 to 6 weeks, depending on your pace. It includes a mix of video lectures, hands-on exercises, and projects.

Absolutely! This course will provide you with a solid foundation in CSS, which is essential for any web developer. It will equip you with the skills needed to create visually appealing and responsive websites.
Course Preview
6hr 26min
₹249 ₹6000

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