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Learn C# Coding Basics for Beginners: C# Fundamentals

Learn in-demand C# Basics to level up your career as a Professional - by Microsoft Certified Professional. Learn to code in C#.

Sekhar Metla


Included with Programming & Coding

What you will learn?

  • Learn the fundamentals of C# and .NET Framework
  • Setting up local development environment
  • What are Operators and Strings in C#
  • Control flow statements
  • Working with File and Directories
  • Debug C# applications effectively
  • Know about Framework structure
  • You will be known Variables and Datatypes
  • Sequences and Statements
  • Using Arrays and lists
  • How to work with datetime and timespan

This Course Includes

  • Recorded Lessons:  84
  • Recorded Hours:  7
  • Duration:   7 days (Avg)
  • TD Assessment Available
  • Access on Mobile

Course Description

Learn C# (C sharp) - C# fundamentals for beginners Online Course

C# is a beautiful cross-platform language that can be used to build a variety of applications. With C# language, you can build mobile apps (for Windows, Android and iOS), games, websites, and desktop applications.

Learn C#, The first step to C# you need to learn to succeed in application development, it is easy to learn and understand our online C# Basics Training course is designed for you with the complete steps to require learn Basic topics. Mr. Sudha Sekhar(MCP) will explain to you even complex topics to simplify and teach you even beginners can easily understand with real-time examples.

Create a Good and Strong base foundation in C# Basics using Microsoft Visual Studio IDE.

Once you master C# programming fundamentals with the .NET framework, you'll have lots of options in front of you. You can choose to build mobile apps if you prefer, or change jobs and work as a web developer. As long as you know the fundamentals of C# well, switching to different technology stacks is pretty easy.

C# is an object-oriented programming language. In Object-Oriented Programming methodology, a program consists of various objects that interact with each other by means of actions. The actions that an object may take are called methods. ... For example, let us consider a Rectangle object.

C# is Easy to Learn!

It's a high-level language, relatively easy to read, with many of the most complex tasks abstracted away, so the programmer doesn't have to worry about them. ... C# is a complex language, and mastering it may take more time than simpler languages such as Python

Who this course is for?

1) People who want to learn C#

2) People who have no idea about C#

3) People who don’t know what is C#

4) People who want to acquire C# knowledge

5) People who are beginners in C#

6) People who want to become a web developer on C#

Who will get benefits form this course?

1) Newbies or students looking for a refresher on the basics of C# and .NET

2) Who wants to learn C# basics

3) Anyone who is interested in programming

Course Content

84 Lessons | 6hr 21min

Frequently Asked Questions

If you dedicate an hour or so a day to learning, it will take you around two to three months to master the fundamentals of C#. If you study full- or part-time, you might learn C# more quickly.

To learn C# we recommend to get our expert course, Because it helps you to clear basics of C# in simplest way by expert Sekhar Metla. One of the simplest programming languages to master is C#. Because of its clear class hierarchy, C# is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that is simple to read. It is the ideal language for beginning developers because, in contrast to most other languages, it will be simple to understand. 

It's easy to learn C#. Sharing common a name with well-known for being challenging to learn languages like C and C++, C# is much more friendly for beginners. Programming in C# is object-oriented, which some people think is simpler for beginners to understand.

Absolutely! The course is self-paced, allowing you to learn and complete modules at your convenience.

After completing the course, you will have a solid foundation in C# programming, enabling you to pursue more advanced C# courses, work on personal projects, or explore job opportunities in software development.
Course Preview
6hr 21min
₹249 ₹1280

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