Java Mastery Intermediate: Methods, Collections, and Beyond
Unlocking the Full Potential of Java Intermediate Programming and manipulating data efficiently
Sekhar Metla
Included with Programming & Coding
What you will learn?
- Master the art of creating and using methods with advanced concepts such as method overloading and recursion
- You will learn to Explore the Java Collections Framework efficiently manage and manipulate data
- Dive into the world of multi-threading and concurrency
- Learn how to work with files in Java, from reading and writing text files effectively
- Develop skills in error handling, including try-catch blocks, custom exceptions
- Harness the power of regular expressions to search, match, and manipulate text patterns
- Grasp the principles of functional programming with Java's lambda expressions
This Course Includes
- Recorded Lessons: 89
- Recorded Hours: 8
- Duration: 8 days (Avg)
- TD Assessment Available
- Access on Mobile
Course Description
Take your Java programming skills to the next level with our Intermediate Java Concepts online course. This comprehensive course is designed to build upon your foundational knowledge and dive deep into essential topics such as methods, collections (ArrayList, LinkedList, HashMap, HashSet), file handling, error handling, regular expressions (RegEx), multi-threading, concurrency, and lambda expressions.
Course Highlights:
1. Advanced Methods: Learn how to create and use methods effectively, including method overloading, recursion, and understanding the nuances of method parameters and return types.
2. Collections Framework: Explore the power of Java collections, including ArrayList, LinkedList, HashMap, and HashSet. Master the art of storing, retrieving, and manipulating data efficiently.
3. File Handling: Discover how to work with files in Java, from reading and writing text files to managing directories and handling exceptions associated with file operations.
4. Error Handling: Gain proficiency in error handling techniques, including try-catch blocks, custom exceptions, and effective error reporting to create robust and reliable Java applications.
5. Regular Expressions (RegEx): Unleash the potential of regular expressions in Java to search, match, and manipulate text patterns within your applications, enhancing data validation and manipulation.
6. Multi-threading and Concurrency: Delve into the world of concurrent programming, enabling your Java applications to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Learn about thread synchronization, race conditions, and avoiding common pitfalls.
7. Lambda Expressions: Understand the principles of functional programming in Java with lambda expressions, enabling concise and powerful coding techniques for tasks like filtering, mapping, and reducing data.
By the end of this course, you'll have a strong grasp of these intermediate Java concepts and be well-prepared to tackle more complex programming challenges. You'll also have hands-on experience through practical exercises and real-world examples to reinforce your learning.
Whether you're looking to advance your career as a Java developer or simply want to become a more proficient programmer, this Intermediate Java Concepts course is the key to unlocking new possibilities and expanding your Java programming capabilities.
Course Content
89 Lessons | 8hr
Frequently Asked Questions

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